A fantastic night of rock ‘n roll on a Monday night. Four bands from 4 different places, 2 different countries. All types of action rock were represented here. Junkys with garage punk rock (emphasis on rock), Nico Bones with sleazy rock, Thunderroads provided the action rock with an international flavor showing that rock has no boundaries, and Flavour closed the night off with some high energy boogie rock. What was really cool about every band that played tonight was that all the other bands were in awe and so supportive of one another. In fact, I think they were all sharing the same drum kit. And all were in the front row cheering each other on.
The Junkys review and pictures are here.
Nico Bones’ review and pictures are here.
Flavour coming up tomorrow.
And now it’s time for The Thunderroads! All the way from Japan! I guess the selling point is that “the guitarist is the brother of Guitar Wolf”, but this band doesn’t need any “selling points” or gimmicks. They stand on their own. Full on high octane rock ‘n roll. Blazing guitars, great songs, high energy. You know the drill. Think MC5 crossed with the Ramones being molested by Johnny Thunders. They got a few singles out (including a split with the Poison Boys) and a full length album called “Thunder City Burning” on Dead Beat Records. Totally recommended.
Tower Bar has really high intensity red lighting which is horrible for taking pictures without a flash (I usually don’t use a flash because I don’t want to be too distracting; I take A LOT of pictures!), so I converted most of them to black & white so they weren’t all washed up in bright red. Hope this works.

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