The Schizophonics have been very busy of late. This was the final show of a 50+ date tour which lasted a couple months, including a few weeks Europe, with nary a break. While they have played many sold out shows at the Casbah before, those were usually on a double bill with other bands, like the Creepy Creeps. I can safely say that they sold out this one all themselves. I’ve seen them dozens of times, but this was the first time I saw them at the Casbah where people were lining up in front of the stage during the opening bands in order to secure a spot up front. Not only that, but many of those people in the front knew all the words to the songs!
The Schizophonics were phenomenal. That’s about the only word I can use to describe them. Great crowd for them too. The first thought that comes to anyone’s mind while seeing them is: “Can this be real?!” The next thought? “How is this even possible?!” My answers after seeing them dozens of times is “Yes” and “It’s magic.”
I was in the O position and Lety was looking over at me during a song. I thought she was giving me some faces for the photos I was taking. Nope! She broke her kick drum pedal! I started looking for a drummer from one of the other bands, but couldn’t find one. Pat gave her some duct tape and she just taped it up on the spot and voila! It worked! Proof positive that there’s nothing that duct tape can’t fix.

While this was the final date of this part of the tour, they’re not done yet! They got a show at Punk Rock Bowling and a big tour announcement for August, which should do really well for them. In between all that, they are going to be working on songs for a new album.
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