A fantastic night of rock ‘n roll on a Monday night. Four bands from 4 different places, 2 different countries. We mainly were there for Thunderroads who came from Japan, but knew we were in for a great night of rock when we checked out the opening bands ahead of time. All were here supporting each other and helping one another out with equipment and everything else. In the front row for each of the bands, was everyone from all the other bands! Taking pictures, clapping along, and helping out with equipment (a dropped microphone, a snare drum falling over, etc…) I’ll be doing a review of each band for the next few days.
First up were a local band called the Junkys. Total punk rock kids who looked nothing like punk rock, but they fucking meant it. And that’s what “punk” is: attitude and freedom. I guess I shouldn’t call them “kids”, but they were way younger than me. lol. They were a total blast of high energy punk with a tinge of garage that set the standard for all the other bands for the rest of the night. And that was a very high bar that was set. All of the guys took turns singing for different parts of the time they had onstage. They did a few covers too including “Loose” by the Stooges and two of 13 Floor Elevators (including the obligatory “You’re Gonna Miss Me Baby”) at the end. I miss them already.
They have some recordings out on Spotify. Check them out!
Tower Bar has really high intensity red lighting which is horrible for taking pictures without a flash (I usually don’t use a flash because I don’t want to be too distracting; I take A LOT of pictures!), so I converted most of them to black & white so they weren’t all washed up in bright red. Hope this works.

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