While not a fully active band these days (unfortunately), Rocket From The Crypt always comes out for a very special Halloween show every year. One year they dressed up as cops, another year as skeletons, another year as the Village People! They’ve been doing this for probably 30 years now. And this year was no exception.
And this year they came out dressed up as angler fish, of all things! I take it they didn’t do a practice run wearing these costumes because Speedo made a comment that it was his new weight loss plan and he ditched the headpiece after the 2nd or 3rd song. Big props to ND for wearing his for 95% of the show! Same for sax/horn/percussion duo Apollo and JC. As for the songs, they played some of the “newer” songs, over half of “Circa: Now!” (which I STILL think is one of the greatest albums of all time), some deep cuts like “Pushed” (the opening song), “Jumper K Balls”, and “Boychucker”, in addition to the favorites off of “RFTC” and “Scream Dracula Scream”. Another fantastic memorable Rocket From The Crypt show.
All my pictures are from the same angle, as this show was pretty packed and I couldn’t move anywhere.

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