So who is Kim? First a little backstory: my wife and I were at the Muck & The Mires show at the Tower Bar a few months back. She knows them from her Boston days and we were talking to the lead guitarist Pete after the show. He said to my wife “You know, the Ape Hangers (a band he was also in) reunite every year for a birthday party.” Turns out that the bassist for the Ape Hangers’ wife, Kim, just wants one thing for her birthday: to see the Ape Hangers play! So every year for one day in August, they fly Pete and drummer Dennis (who was also in the great Boston bands The Slaves and the Prime Movers) out to Los Angeles to play a big bash for Kim as her present. This happens at the Maui Sugar Mill Saloon in Tarzana, CA. Now this year it happened to be right when Tiki Oasis was happening. But for us, there was no question: we were going on a road trip to Los Angeles!
Now I’ve been to many birthday shows and parties, including some for myself, but nothing compared to this (ok, CJ Ramone playing at my friend Jonny’s backyard is tied with this one). Talk about a full-on rockin’ night! I’m still reeling from this weekend! Technically you can also count the previous day (reviewed HERE) as part of her birthday bash, because many of the same people were there both nights, including Kim and her husband Bob. They basically got all these bands to play for her, and what a night! Bands all hanging out, jamming with each other, having guests, and everyone just having a good ‘ol time at their local hangout. Pat Todd showed up and even got a couple shoutouts from the stage once again! Respect!
OK, Let’s begin.
Remember when I said that it would be nice to see Lights Out Levine play with a full band? That was the big surprise for Kim this night! Well they weren’t really a full band. No drummer. They started the night off and it was great to see them like this. Quality rock ‘n roll. As their bandcamp page says, “Levine combines his love of 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, punk, rock-a-billy, country, swing, jazz and other Ingredients to make his own Big Burrito of Rock N’ Roll.” and that’s the best way to put it.

Then it was the Slamdinistas. So many of the band members tonight are in multiple bands. I recognized one of the guitarists as being in the Crazy Squeeze, whom we saw opening the Dragons/Humpers show in Long Beach not even three months ago. And probably in another band that we saw recently too. And the other guitarist was in the Blessings from the previous night. They got a charismatic hyper singer too and were a lot of fun. Loud, catchy, guitar based rock. Check out their song “Time Flies By” on their album “Shoot For The Stars”. They got a new album in the works which should be out later this year.

They also had the singer for the Glimmer Stars, Mini Mendez, sing a tune with them:

The up next was the band we came to see: The Ape Hangers! Full on blast of Boston-style action rock, taking no prisoners.

They also brought Jimmy up to play for a song. I believe he’s Kim & Bob’s son:

The singer of the Slamdinistas came up to sing “Don’t Change”:

Up next, and to finish the night off, was the Glimmer Stars! Dirty, sleazy, rock with just a hint of glam.

A fantastic night. Such a great comradery between the bands and everyone having so much respect for each other. I overheard Pat Todd say to Pete from the Ape Hangers as he finished packing up: “You’re an incredible guitarist! I love your playing. You sounded great!” and Pete says back to him “Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me coming from you!”
And it was Kim (and her husband Bob) who basically brought this all together at least for this night. I’m sure everyone already knew each other already, but they were all brought together here for one night. Everyone was welcome. Everyone was friendly. Everyone had a good time. Everyone was singing along and dancing to all the songs. Happy birthday Kim! Thanks for sharing it with us!

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