A fantastic night of rock ‘n roll on a Monday night. Four bands from 4 different places, 2 different countries. All types of action rock were represented here. Junkys with garage punk rock (emphasis on rock), Nico Bones with sleazy rock, Thunderroads provided the action rock with an international flavor showing that rock has no boundaries, and Flavour closed the night off with some high energy boogie rock. What was really cool about every band that played tonight was that all the other bands were in awe and so supportive of one another. In fact, I think they were all sharing the same drum kit. And all were in the front row cheering each other on.
The Junkys review and pictures are here.
Nico Bones review and pictures here.
And Thunderroads review and pictures here.
Now it’s time for Flavour who closed out this fantastic night of full on rock. They’re from upstate New York: Troy. A city I’ve actually been to a few times in my life when I was a sophomore in high school on the Auburn swim team. Flavour were more boogie rock with some glam (real glam, not the hair band /’80s “glam”), reminding me of T-Rex with a little bit of Grand Funk Railroad thrown in. Drummer was phenomenal. All over the place. He slammed his body into every beat. Everybody in the band put their all into it. They had to, because all of the preceding bands were so good and there was a lot to live up to. It was great seeing the comradery between all the bands, everyone coming from all over the place to play this show for us. All of them were different, but all having the same mission: to rock you tonight, which Flavour did.
Check them out on bandcamp.

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