Show Review: Deadbolt, Screaming YeeHaws, and Tiltwheel at the Casbah Aug 22, 2024

Show Review: Deadbolt, Screaming YeeHaws, and Tiltwheel at the Casbah Aug 22, 2024

Dave Dick from the Downs Family got hit by a car a couple months ago and had quite a bit of complications from the accident, including broken ribs and a collapsed lung. But he also has a good attitude and over 2 months later was able to have his friends come down to the Casbah to play a benefit for him to help cover the many bills that were the result of this. It was great seeing Dave up and about again (he was in a wheelchair for a while) and while he’s not at 100% yet, he’s getting there. You can help out on his GoFundMe page located here.
He got quite an impressive array of bands and friends to play the benefit. Barnacle Boys, Strychnine Ninety Nine, Screaming YeeHaws, Deadbolt, and Tiltwheel to all come together to help out!

I didn’t get any pictures of the Barnacle Boys. They’re a folky duo that play a stand up bass and guitar, singing seaworthy songs.

Strychnine Ninety Nine were a full on punk band, ala San Diego 1981. I think the guitarist for Meatwagon is in the band. They got a new album coming out soon. They also did a bunch of covers of Meatwagon, Battalion Of Saints, and Ministry Of Truth.

The Screaming YeeHaws were up next. I’ve seen their guitarist Chris Henry in a number of bands, including Noisepie and Faux Pas, but with the Screaming YeeHaws, I think he’s really hit his stride. And with at least four albums under their belt, this seems like this is the band he was made to be in. They play raw, fast punk rock with a tinge of country and a sense of humor, ala the Hickoids. Always a fun band to see.

Up next was the “scariest band in the world”, Deadbolt. And I got some stories about this band from back in the day. But those stories will be for another time, another blog post, when I can do them justice. But for now, here’s some pictures from this night. A real challenge to photograph, because not only do the microphone stands get in the way, they got the “crime scene” tape getting in the way too. But I got some good ones:

And Tiltwheel finished the night off with an excellent set of melodic hardcore. They reminded me tonight of early to mid Husker Du, i.e. “Everything Falls Apart”-era. They put so much into it, guitarist Dave Quinn even had sweat coming out of his fingers while playing!
Another fantastic night of music at the Casbah. We should all be so lucky to have friends come out like this to support us. Cheers to you Dave Dick!
I’m kind of torn on how to review shows on a blog that have multiple bands I want to cover. Do I put them all in one post? Or would the bands benefit better if they each got their own page? Comment below and let me know what you think.
Ted Avatar

One response to “Show Review: Deadbolt, Screaming YeeHaws, and Tiltwheel at the Casbah Aug 22, 2024”

  1. Chris Henry Avatar
    Chris Henry

    This was a nice well rounded take on the evening. As you stated, thus was an event for Dave, not any particular bands show. So this was a nice way to share his story for the party we threw.

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