Nirvana: My Experience at the “Smells Like Teen Spirit” video shoot
Yes! I was there! And this is my story and experience being at the Nirvana “Smells Like Teen Spirit” video shoot. Most of this story…
The Day I Saved Courtney Love’s Ass (and how Pat Smear got the call to join Nirvana)
It was the Supersuckers, Eugenius, and Mudhoney at the Hollywood Palladium. December 4th, 1992. I had just gotten done interviewing the Supersuckers with some help…
My Memories Of Nirvana From 30 Years Ago This Week
My memories of what was going on in Kurt’s final days of 1994.
My First Encounter with Nirvana: A Night at Casbah on August 19th, 1990
I passed up the chance to see Nirvana more times than I actually saw them. But I did get to see them 3 times, once…

Takin’ A Ride
A blog celebrating rock ‘n roll, rock, punk rock, alternative rock, action rock, and all things that doth rock.