Album Reviews
Album Review: Diamond Dogs & Chris Spedding “Macon Georgia Giant”
An incredibly underrated band in these parts, I’ve been following the Diamond Dogs for about 25 years now. I first discovered them due to their…
Album Review: Death By Unga Bunga “Raw Muscular Power”
Album review of “Raw Muscular Power” by Death By Unga Bunga
Top Ten (and more) List of 2024
It really irks my ire when people say that “there’s no good music anymore”. It’s even worse when they announce “I refuse to listen to…
Album Review: Pat Todd & The Rankoutsiders “Keepin’ Chaos At Bay”
Some internet commenters like to rip on bands like AC/DC, Slayer, and Motorhead (among others) whenever a new album comes out. They like to say…
Album Review: Mistress 77 “Can’t Stop”
Talk about a band completely nailing it out of the park on their very first release! We’re talking snotty vocals, loud guitars, solid production, an…

Takin’ A Ride
A blog celebrating rock ‘n roll, rock, punk rock, alternative rock, action rock, and all things that doth rock.