Album Review: Diamond Dogs & Chris Spedding “Macon Georgia Giant”

An incredibly underrated band in these parts, I’ve been following the Diamond Dogs for about 25 years now. I first discovered them due to their Hellacopters connection (Hellacopters’ keyboardist Boba Fett founded this band with singer Sulo). They play pure rock ‘n roll, sometimes rough, sometimes a little cleaner. But always good solid rock ‘n roll. Check out their “Up The Rock” album which regularly gets play in our household (not to mention a play during our wedding reception). Well they’re back with a special project called “Macon Georgia Giant” in which they team up with Chris Spedding (another legend in his own right, having recorded with Paul McCartney, Elton John, and a host of others; not to mention recording the first Sex Pistols demos). And if that’s not enough, they release a more or less at the spur of the moment recording of an 11 song completely rockin’ tribute to Little Richard called “Macon Georgia Giant”.

Takin’ A Ride
A blog celebrating rock ‘n roll, rock, punk rock, garage rock, alternative rock, action rock, and all things that doth rock.
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