First Time I Saw The Goo Goo Dolls
First time I had actually seen them myself was in 1989 on the Jed tour. They played the Spirit in San Diego opening for the Gun Club. They were incredible! They ended up staying at a friend’s condo. I didn’t have a car at the time, so I got a ride with William Howell and Robbie and George from the club to the condo. Only I couldn’t remember where the condo was (they all looked the same). So we had to drive to the radio station I worked for (KSDT), find her phone number, and call her from the payphone outside to find where her place was. Remember, there were no cell phones back then. William was pissed. Somehow, I always rubbed him the wrong way, though I do love and respect the guy quite a bit. Even to this day, he’s irked at me for one reason or another and unfriended me on Facebook. Some personalities just don’t mesh well, I guess.

Takin’ A Ride
A blog celebrating rock ‘n roll, rock, punk rock, alternative rock, action rock, and all things that doth rock.
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